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Mount Energy Elementary Staff Directory


Ashley Lloyd


Assistant Principal

Jessica Barbour

Assistant Principal

Office Staff

Wendy Hollowell


Deyon Keaton

School Counselor

Lori Parrott

Data Manager

Monette Pekas

School Counselor

Ashley Wilkins


School Staff

1 2 3 4 > showing 1 - 16 of 54 constituents

Stephenie Albert

5th Grade Teacher

Darci Arnett

1st Grade Teacher

Laura Beauchamp

Spanish Teacher

Elizabeth Browning

Kindergarten Teacher

Lori Burney

EC Teacher

Ashlynn Charles

Music Teacher

Kathy Clement

Kindergarten Teacher

Leighana Dail

Teacher Assistant

Barbara Downey

Child Nutrition

Kristen Elliott

ESL Teacher

Shenta Fields

Child Nutrition

Charlotte Finley

Reading Interventionist

Dorothy Foushee

Speech Pathologist

Amy Fuller

1st Grade Teacher

Tracy Fuller


Crystal Hackney

2nd Grade Teacher